Cracking the GenZ Code: 8 Insights to connect with the next big consumer force

As Gen Z (young adults born between 1997 and 2012) becomes more prevalent in the workplace, there’s a growing need to truly grasp what makes them tick. After diving into this insightful report by GWI, we’ve uncovered nine standout points that offer a fascinating glimpse into Gen Z’s behaviours, preferences, and attitudes.

The report goes beyond just looking at Gen Z through the conventional demographic lens, stressing the importance of acknowledging their individual perspectives and unique experiences. It provides crucial insights into various facets of Gen Z life, including their take on mental health, their content preferences, their adoption of AI tech, their interests and media habits, their online behaviours, and their approach to searching for information.

But let’s cut to the chase – what does Gen Z really care about the most? And how can your brand better understand and connect with their preferences? Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Mental Health: Gen Zers are more likely to report having mental health conditions, but they’re often uncomfortable discussing them openly. For brands, especially in markets like the US where this issue is prominent, it’s crucial to consider mental health in your campaigns and messaging.
  2. Short-form Content: While platforms like TikTok have Gen Z hooked on short-form videos, don’t count out long-form content just yet. Brands should focus on nailing the right content format, not just the length.
  3. AI Adoption: Gen Z is all about embracing AI, particularly when it comes to work-related tasks. This presents a prime opportunity for brands to leverage AI technology in engaging and innovative ways.
  4. Targeting: For Gen Z, identity is shaped more by interests, values, and beliefs than by age or gender. When it comes to audience profiling, brands need to prioritise psychographic factors over demographics.
  5. Information Discovery: Gen Z doesn’t just rely on traditional search engines for information. They’re tapping into image and voice search, AI chatbots, and more. Brands need to be present across these diverse discovery channels.
  6. Online Persona: A significant portion of Gen Z maintains different personas across various social media platforms, especially as they transition into professional life. Brands need to be mindful of this nuanced online presence.
  7. Employment and Lifestyle: With many Gen Zers entering the workforce, brands should consider their evolving needs and behaviours, including concerns around mental health support in the workplace.
  8. Engagement with AI: Gen Z’s enthusiasm for AI tech could shape future workplace expectations and influence areas like politics and media consumption. Pay attention to this trend.

In summary, GWI’s report underscores the need for brands to truly understand Gen Z’s diverse characteristics and behaviours in order to engage with this generation effectively. It’s not just making interactive content and bash it onto Instagram. It challenges stereotypes and highlights the importance of personalised targeting based on interests and values, rather than relying solely on demographic factors.

Intrigued? Read the whole report here: