Facebook Ads: Key Factors for Successful Ads

Creating Facebook ads is easy – you could simply click “Boost” on one of your posts, right? But creating a successful Facebook ad – that’s much harder.

In this blog article, let’s look at the key factors for creating successful Facebook Ads. 

Considerations for image ads:

Call To Action (CTA): 

When you’re trying to get someone’s attention online, it’s important to have a clear call to action. You want your audience to know exactly what you want them to do, whether it’s clicked on your ad, sign up for your newsletter, or make a purchase. A clear call to action makes it easy for people to take the next step, and it will help improve your conversion rates.

Clear messaging: 

Having a clear message that resonates with your target audience is important. You want your ads to be attention-grabbing, relevant, and most importantly, you want them to promote your product or service in the most effective way.

Even without thoroughly reading the ad copy, people must immediately understand what you are selling or what services you are offering. Make sure that the product or service is prominently displayed.

Try to attract attention by adding the benefits of using your product or service or the problems and concerns troubling your target audience.

Ad Placement adaptability: 

When we create an advertisement, Facebook allows us to adapt each creative for different placements: stories, feeds, right column, etc.

Many advertisers make the mistake of not adapting the creative to the various placements. This limits the delivery of your ads and decreases their effectiveness.

Considerations for video ads

When it comes to creating engaging Facebook ads, video is the way to go. 

According to recent studies, video ads are more than six times as likely to be clicked on compared to static image ads. And even though people are notoriously bad at recalling details from videos, they’re more likely to remember overall impressions and messages.

When it comes to the format, keep it short and sweet, around 30 seconds is ideal and make sure the audio is high quality and easy to understand, otherwise, people will just scroll right past.

Adding subtitles is also very useful so people can follow the video with the sound off.

To improve the performance of your videos is best to divide them into four parts:

  1. Hook – An opening that attracts attention.

The start of the video should be short and simple because it’s here where you lose most viewers.

Don’t immediately introduce who you are or instantly add your logo. Remember that the video is not about you. It’s about your audience.

There are many different ways to create a hook, but the most important thing is to make sure it’s relevant to the topic. A funny clip or an interesting fact can be a great way to pique curiosity and get viewers interested in learning more. 

Whatever approach you take, just be sure your hook is compelling and sets the stage for an engaging video experience.

  1. Agitation – Identify the problem or show the benefits of your product. 

In this second part, you start to evoke your audience’s emotions (fears, desires, etc.).

What is your audience’s problem? How do they feel about it? Show it in a few frames and state the problem clearly and concisely.

Use a tone of voice that suits your audience. You can learn this from the comments your audience target leaves on social media platforms or other online resources. 

  1. Solution – what are you offering?

Your objective is to create a picture of the solution (your offer) and how it can help your audience turn their goals and dreams into reality.

  • Tell your audience what the solution is.
  • Explain how/why it works.
  • Describe how it will change their life.
  • Show your strengths, features and benefits.
  1. Call to action (CTA) – what you want your audience to do.

Use these questions as a guide to creating the perfect CTA:

  • What action do you want your audience to take?
  • What stage of the buying process are you targeting? Decide whether to use a direct or indirect CTA, for instance, “buy” or “find out more.”
  • What should they expect after clicking on your ad?

If you follow this brief outline, you will see that your posts and videos will perform better.


Effective ads are essential when you consider that online ads are often the first interaction a potential customer has with your brand. If they don’t catch their attention or resonate with them, you may have lost a potential customer before you even had a chance to make your pitch. 

That’s why it’s important to partner with an experienced and creative team like ours that can help you create ads that look great and speak to your target audience emotionally. 

Ready to take your advertising to the next level? 

Contact us today for more information about our services!