Social media is one of the most powerful tools a company can use to create awareness for its brand. It allows you to connect with existing customers and followers on a personal level and provides an incredible chance to promote your products and services.

With the right strategy, social media can help you reach a larger audience and drive more traffic to your website. It’s an essential part of any marketing plan and should be included in your overall branding strategy.

To achieve this, we must know and optimise how we do brand awareness in the online world. 

Brand awareness (or brand recognition) refers to two-way, intense and frequent communication, which takes place through customised messages, and targeted and diverse content to establish a dynamic relationship with your brand audience.

Where to start to develop an effective brand awareness plan?

Let’s start with content. 

It is essential to create quality and original content. Whether we create videos, write articles, create infographics or any other type of visual and/or textual communication, what counts is the way we talk about our brand: we must talk about it but also space around and talk about all that relates to it.

The objective is to describe and inform about the brand, emphasising its merits and highlighting its distinctive value propositions compared to other competitors. But we must also think about covering related topics to offer our users content that is always new, up-to-date and engaging.

Repetitiveness and actions done automatically and non-creatively do not bring great results. 

Online users might decide to abandon our pages or unfollow us and choose a new brand because they are not entertained enough or don’t see the value in our content. 

Therefore, when planning our marketing strategy, we must be clear about our goal: promoting our brand and making ourselves recognisable in the vast web world through valuable and engaging content.

Of course, quality, creativity, and originality are all indispensable characteristics for what we publish to be successful.


In addition to the content type, we must think about engaging with users, this means actively involving them in what we do. 

It is essential to give space to users (as well as potential customers) and their opinions or ideas. 

In this direction, for example, we can organise competitions or quizzes. By doing so, we create both active and beneficial interactions between the users and the brand.

This strategy will lead to an increase in traffic to the social page and, consequently, to our website (or blog).

Social medial networks are an excellent means to drive additional website traffic, naturally, if directed by the proper means. For example, publishing a creative on social channels linked to the actual blog post will considerably amplify traffic to both.


Engagement can be fostered by the so-called call-to-action, which asks the user to act with a quick and simple gesture, such as clicking on a ‘like’ or clicking on the “learn more” button. 

A call to action is simply an invitation for your followers to take a specific action, such as visiting your website, signing up for your newsletter, or making a purchase. By including a call to action in your social media posts, you can dramatically increase the number of people who take the desired action.

There are a few things to keep in mind when crafting an effective call to action. First, make sure the language you use is clear and concise. You want your audience to know exactly what you want them to do. Second, provide a sense of urgency or incentive for taking action. Finally, keep it short and sweet – too much text will just confuse people and they’re likely to tune out.

Here are a few examples of effective calls to action:

“Click the link below to learn more!”

“Sign up now and get 10% off your first purchase!”

“Don’t miss out – RSVP today!”

In Conclusion

By planning your content and taking the time to create valuable engagement, you will be able to increase brand awareness for your business. An editorial calendar can help make this process easier by providing a framework for your creative work. 

What strategies do you use to produce engaging content? Let us know in the comments. 

If you need help creating valuable content for your brand and organising your content, contact us to learn more about how we can help you.