Google Ads / digital marketers / consultants

What we do

Google Search Ads (Adwords)

Google Search Ads (formerly Adwords) is a highly targeted marketing channel that can be incredibly cost-effective if executed correctly. By tracking sales we can set up highly optimised and targeted ads that only show to users who have a high chance of purchasing.

Google Display Ads

Have you ever noticed that some ads seem to haunt and follow you around the internet, to the point where you can’t forget them? This is the work of Display Ads. Known as ‘remarketing’, it's a proven way to convert your past website visitors into customers.

Google My Business

Being on Google My Business is one of the easiest ways to be found by new clients, especially if they’re searching locally. We’ll set you up with a complete profile that’s Google-friendly and explain how to maintain and build it up with reviews and content.


If a picture speaks a thousand words, then just imagine what a video does! Nothing engages online audiences like video, and telling your story through YouTube is a great way to engage users and gives you that marketing edge.

Understanding Google Ads (Adwords)

Shown at the top of Google’s search results when particular terms are entered, Google Ads are the most direct way to capture people looking market for the product or service you offer.

Googling is still the number one way people search for products and services they need, so you need to make sure that you can be found.

And if you’re not on Google Ads, then there’s a good chance your competitor is.

For some businesses, nothing is more valuable than being number one in Google – and sometimes the only way to achieve that is by having paid Google ads.

Google Ads report example - google ads digital marketers/ consultants concept
6 ways Google Ads can help you

What They Say
