Email marketing services

What we do

Content creation

We create content that is tailored to your audience and designed for reading on email. It's important that the messaging you send out is not only a joy to read, but accurately reflects your brand and delivers real results - usually by the way of return business.

Email templates

We craft beautiful templates that easy-to-use and easy-to-read. Knowing where to place content and the best way to structure it for viewing on all devices is key to optimising the communication between you and your clients.

Email marketing management

We can manage everything when it comes to email marketing: from conceptualising campaigns, creating content and building your database, to sending out emails and providing analysis on the results.

Email automation

After a new website or social media enquiry, it's often useful to follow up via email. A follow-up email is especially useful to remind customers that they left something in their shopping cart. Having these kinds of systems in place maximises your sales and saves you having to reach out to clients individually.

What does email automation mean for your business?

Having automated emails means that you’re spending less time putting communications together, and more time being productive. Although ‘automation’ may sound robotic, emails can still be really personalised way to keep in touch and stay engaged in client relationships.

Email automation also helps to optimise the time of day that your email gets sent so your audience gets them at time they are most likely to engage with you.

email icons - email marketing services concept
6 reasons email automation is helpful for your business

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