Digital Marketing Strategy

What we do

Marketing audit

We audit your website, branding, social media presence, collateral, tactics and ads. We then analyse the performance of all of these marketing components to gain a better understanding of exactly what you could be doing better.

Marketing plan

When it comes to marketing strategy, having a practical and easy-to-follow plan is the roadmap to success. We break everything down into straightforward actions, projects and timelines that make sure conceptual goals become realities.

Brand positioning

Knowing and understanding your competitors is critical when choosing which of your brand's unique selling points to highlight. We’ll help you identify and express your brand essence and position you effectively in the marketplace.

Market research

As well as doing our research into how your brand is already performing, we research the market you’re in. This research ranges from surveys of existing customers to collecting national data and buyer behavioural patterns.

Do you need a marketing strategy?

Research shows that 50% of companies fail after 5 years. Why? Because failing to plan is planning to fail.

Every business should have a marketing strategy – and one that gets followed. A good marketing strategy will stop you pouring money into vague concepts that you think might work, and focus on channels that provide a real return.

Whereas some marketing strategies are discouraging, long-winded documents that gather dust, our marketing strategies are succinct guides that state what your goals are and how you can reach them. 

We’ll explain your strategy in layman’s terms and show how it will translate to real-life results. 

Marketing Strategist using whiteboard - concept representing digital marketing strategy
A marketing strategy will...

some of our marketing work

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